Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Counting Down

I can't sleep. A mix of having a "lazy summer" schedule with the luxury of being able to sleep late and thoughts about this new adventure I am beginning.

Since I last posted there have been a couple of developments....

I was in Barnes & Noble and I bought myself two books on the in's and outs of living in Chicago.

I am going to know the best farmers markets, the best days to visit the museums, how to navigate the public transportation, the history of Chicago...

When I moved to Scotland I had a few books with me. One that was all maps, one about the customs and things to see. I went on tours and explored and learned that city like it was back of my hand. When my friends came to visit for Christmas and New Years I knew every inch of the city's history and was able to give them a tour. We went to the castle, Arthur's Seat, Mary's Close, the new city, the parks, the museums, Colton Hill, the Royal Mile...I was even able to tell them an anecdote about the lead horse statue on the Royal mile . It had to have a few modifications on it due to the Scottish weather. I don't know if this is the exact truth but this is how I heard it from the Scots. So, in Scotland it rains every day. Multiple times a day on most days and there is this horse statue that sits on the royal mile outside the old parliament . Actually it is King Charles II on a horse. To save money they made the horse hollow but every time it rained, water managed to get into the statue and it would tilt. So they made a hole in the bottom of the statue so the water could drain out. Now every time it rained it looked like King Charles was sitting on a horse that was urinating. In the end they had to fill the statue and make it solid.

When I have friends come visit I will be able to share stories like that as well with them about Chicago. Local folkore that adds flavor to the city. Chicago I am going to know your secrets.

I am also in the process of ironing out details about my living situation. It was too much to be able to go to Chicago for a couple of days and rush decide on a place to live. So I am crashing with a good friend for a couple weeks while I search.

Sleep is starting to kick in so I am signing off. Sweet Dreams.

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